Homework Policies


All homework assignments will have both an autograded component and a manually graded component. The autograder might do something as simple as confirming that you submitted the correct files, but it may also test your code on unseen data in cases where the algorithm you are implementing is fully deterministic. Each homework is worth 3 points, with points typically allocated as follows:

  • 1 point: pass all autograder tests
  • 1 point: pass all manual checks of code
  • 1 point: satisfactory written reflection

Partial points are not given; if you do not initially meet the requirements to earn credit, you can revise your work before the final deadline.


A small number of homework assignments will include an option to compete with your classmates on a leaderboard to see who can create the best model! The purpose of this competition is primarily to deepen your understanding of the topic and to gain bragging rights. However, the winner of each competition[^2] will receive one extra credit point on the homework assignment. The leaderboard competition always has a built-in tie-breaker!

Deadlines and Revision Policy

Each homework assignment has three deadlines:

  • Initial feedback deadline: Submissions received by this date will receive manual feedback within a week. Between this deadline and the next deadline, you will be able to resubmit to the autograder as frequently as you would like. After receiving manual feedback, you will have a week to incorporate that feedback into your submission to receive one more round of manual feedback.
  • Final autograder deadline (2 weeks later): This is the final date to make revisions to your code to pass the autograder.
  • Final revision deadline (2 weeks later): No work on the assignment will be accepted after this deadline, and this final dealine is intended exclusively to address manual feedback given after the final autograder deadline. This feedback may necessitate changes to your code and/or your written report.

You should always attempt to complete the assignment by the initial feedback deadline. The feedback you receive will give you guidance on how to improve your work so that you eventually receive full credit.


There are no extensions for homework assignments barring extenuating circumstances. While I strongly encourage you to attempt to complete the full assignment to the best of your ability prior to the initial feedback deadline to stay on track, there is no penalty to your grade for failing to do so; however, you lose the ability to work with a partner and the opportunity to receive multiple rounds of feedback, both of which will likely increase your chance of receiving the full 3/3 points on the assignment!

Working with a Partner

You must pass all autograder tests on at least two assignments to unlock the opportunity to complete future homework assignments with a partner of your choice. Typically, this will be homeworks 1 and 2, which are individual assignments for all students, as is homework 7. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that you have sufficient programming skills and understanding of some basic concepts in the course before you work with a partner. Partnerships must be established and shared with me by the initial feedback deadline; this means that even if you haven’t written any code, you must at least submit a report indicating who you will partner with by the initial feedback deadline if you want to work with a partner.

Any work submitted with a partner that violates this policy will receive 0/3 points.