Homework 2: Language Identification


Please note that the autograder for this assignment (as it trains your model on various datasets) is somewhat slow - expect to wait up to 1 minute. Once you pass all of the main tests, you’ll be submitted to the leaderboard (where your model will be tested on the hidden test set), which may take even longer!

Implementation Details

You will implement a naive bayes model that uses character n-gram probabilities to predict the language that a sentence is written in. You shouldn’t edit test.py or test_mini.py - in other words, you must implement the specific functions that are called in those files.

In your implementation, you should do the following:

  1. Your calculations should all be performed in log space to avoid underflow. See the normalize function (it will compute log probabilities by default). Remember that adding log probabilities is equivalent to multiplying probabilities.
  2. You should use add-one smoothing. You’ll do this after counting n-grams, before computing probabilities. First, create a set containing all of the character n-grams in the vocabulary. Then, loop through your likelihood counts to add one to each value. Finally, normalize! How about character n-grams that aren’t in the vocabulary at all, for any language? Their presence shouldn’t affect your prediction, so you can safely ignore them entirely.
  3. You’ll notice that ngram_size is an argument to the constructor for your model. Your model should work for any n-gram size. This should be easy to implement using the provided get_char_ngrams function.

External libraries that are not part of the python standard library, including numpy, are not allowed on this assignment and will lead to failed autograder tests. The python math module is sufficient to handle the mathematics needed in this assignment.


Starter Code


This file includes three methods that you must implement, fit, predict, and predict_one_log_proba.


fit should train your model on the input sentence/language pairs. These are parallel lists where the language at index i in train_languages corresponds to the sentence at index i in train_sentences.

In particular, you should set self._prior and self._likelihood to the appropriate values (remember to use log probabilities and laplace smoothing). I recommend using dictionaries/dictionaries of dictionaries here for simplicity, but you can use any data structure you want.


predict should return a list of predicted languages for each sentence in test_sentences. It should use self._prior and self._likelihood. Remember to add log probabilities and ignore unknown words!


This method is really just a helper method for predict, but it might help you to debug and it will help me with automatic grading. This method should return a dictionary corresponding to the log probability of each language for a single sentence.


This file includes two functions that you must implement, accuracy_score and confusion_matrix. Here are some sample test cases for each function:

y_true = ["spa", "eng", "spa"]
y_pred = ["eng", "eng", "spa"]
print(accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred))
# prints 0.6666666666666666

Note that confusion_matrix and print_confusion_matrix use the labels list argument to determine the column labels. This means that there may be additional rows in the matrix that aren’t in the true/predicted labels. You must ensure that you orient the table as shown in the example below.

y_true = ["spa", "eng", "spa"]
y_pred = ["eng", "eng", "spa"]
print_confusion_matrix(confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, ["spa", "eng", "fra"]), ["spa", "eng", "fra"])
# prints this table
# -------------------------------------
# |           |      Actual Label     |
# |           |-----------------------|
# |           |     | spa | eng | fra |
# ------------|-----|-----|-----|-----|
# | Predicted | spa |  1  |  0  |  0  |
# |   Label   |-----|-----|-----|-----|
# |           | eng |  1  |  1  |  0  |
# |           |-----|-----|-----|-----|
# |           | fra |  0  |  0  |  0  |
# -------------------------------------


Functions in util.py are provided for loading data, creating character n-grams, normalizing, performing argmax, and printing the confusion matrix in an easy-to-read way. You don’t have to use these functions, but I’d recommend it (it will make your life easier).

Examples of how to use the functions get_char_ngrams, normalize and argmax are provided below:


In this assignment, we will work with character ngrams, which are ngrams made up of individual characters instead of words.

The inputs to get_char_ngrams are a string string and an integer n, which represents the number of characters that should be in each ngram. The function returns a list of strings.

Here are a few examples:

string = "blanco"
print(get_char_ngrams(string, 2)) # --> prints ['bl', 'la', 'an', 'nc', 'co']
print(get_char_ngrams(string, 3)) # --> prints ['bla', 'lan', 'anc', 'nco']

This function takes a dictionary of counts and normalizes them by dividing each value by the total counts. It returns a dictionary of the normalized counts, which are probabilities. It can optionally return log probabilities. It does not modify the original dictionary.

Here’s an example:

counts = {"spa": 50, "eng": 150}
probs = normalize(counts, log_prob=False)
print(probs) # --> prints {'spa': 0.25, 'eng': 0.75}

The argmax function takes a dictionary with numbers as values, and returns the key with the highest value.

Here’s an example:

probs = {"spa": 0.7, "eng": 0.3}
highest_key = argmax(probs)
print(highest_key) # --> prints "spa"


The provided train.tsv and dev.tsv are subsets of the Tatoeba sentences dataset.

Allowed External Resources

You may use any built-in python modules (in particular, you may think that Counter and defaultdict from the collections module are useful). You may not use external libraries.

While you may not search for code that solves this problem, you may search for ideas to improve your preprocessing or smoothing.



Suggestions for Developing your Model

This is the first assignment in CS 457 where you will be working with a (fairly) large dataset. While you are still working on your implementation, you probably should not use the full dataset, as there are more than 4 million rows in the training data and almost 1 million rows in the test data. Naive Bayes is pretty fast, but running my code with character bigrams on my laptop with the full dataset still takes over a minute. You probably don’t want to wait a whole minute to learn that there is a bug in your code.

Therefore, I’ve built in some methods to get around this. First, you can load a partial dataset using the --avg_samples_per_language command line argument (e.g., run your code as python test.py train.tsv dev.tsv --avg_samples_per_language 50). This will load approximately 50 random samples per language, rather than loading the full dataset (although the number of samples per language will still be proportional to the presence of that language in the full dataset). Your code should run in a few seconds with this flag - if it’s taking over a minute, either your laptop is really slow or you need to make some major modifications to your approach.1 To run the script with these arguments in vscode, select Python Debugger: test 50 samples in the debug console.

Second, it can be hard to debug your code if you are just looking at the predictions and seeing that the accuracy doesn’t look as good as you think it should, but you don’t know why. I’ve included a file that should be able to help with this: test_mini.py. If you run python test_mini.py, you should get the probabilities of the word “able” being in English vs. Spanish, with the same training set that we looked at in class. This is the result you should get for that example:

{'eng': 0.0006666666666666675, 'spa': 0.00039506172839506165}

To run the test_mini.py script in vscode, select Python Debugger: test_mini.py in the debug console.

If you’re ready to train on the full dataset, go ahead and run Python Debugger: full test in vscode.

Your tasks

You must complete the following:

  • In model.py:
    • NBLangIDModel.fit
    • NBLangIDModel.predict (you’ll probably want to call the method below!)
    • NBLangIDModel.predict_one_log_proba
  • In scoring.py:
    • accuracy_score
    • confusion_matrix

Other parts of this assignment provide details on how you need to implement these functions; there is also some information in the comments!

Possible Extensions (OPTIONAL)

This is our first assignment that includes the opportunity to compete for the best extensions to your model on the Gradescope leaderboard. Here are some ideas of how you might extend what you’ve done for the leaderboard. These extensions should be turned on/off using the extension argument in your NBLangIDModel constructor. When the extension argument is True, you may also override self.ngram_size - basically, I am going to do the following to test for the leaderboard, with a new test set:

model = NBLangIDModel(extension=True)
model.fit(train_sentences, train_labels)
predictions = model.predict(test_sentences)

# we'll use accuracy on the leaderboard for simplicity
score = accuracy_score(test_labels, predictions)

You can do things that aren’t on this list too, but make sure that you are still in essence implementing a Naive Bayes model. If you’ve taken deep learning, for instance, you cannot use deep learning for this assignment.

Preprocessing your text

If you followed the instructions word-for-word, you won’t have done much text preprocessing. Can you add preprocessing steps to improve your predictions, such as converting the text to lowercase?

Multiple n-gram estimates

Try computing your probability by using multiple different n-gram sizes.

Improved smoothing

Look at Chapter 3 of slp to get some additional ideas about smoothing.


In addition to your code, you must fill out the report in report.md (from the starter code).


  1. Working with a dataset this large is a great way to really appreciate big-O. For instance, if you train your model once for every sentence in the test set, your code might take hours to run.↩︎