Learning Targets
Logic and Set Theory
L1: | I can use quantified logic to express English sentences and mathematical concepts. |
L2: | I can correctly simplify logical expressions which include quantifiers, negations (NOT), conjunctions (AND), disjunctions (OR), and implications. |
L3: | I can use rules of logical inference to determine whether a conclusion follows logically from a set of premises. |
S1: | I can describe sets using roster, set-builder, and set-generator notations. |
S2: | I can perform operations on sets (including union, intersection, difference, complement, cartesian product, and power set) and determine the cardinality of a set. |
PF1: | I can use the element method to prove that one set is a subset of another, or that two sets are equal. |
PF2: | I can prove mathematical statements using proof-by-contradiction. |
PF3: | I can correctly state the base case and inductive hypothesis in a proof by weak induction. |
PF4: | I can prove the base case and inductive hypothesis in a proof by weak induction when they are supplied to me. |
PF5: | I can write a complete proof by weak induction. |
PF6: | I can write a complete proof by strong induction. |
FR1: | I can prove that a supplied relation is or is not an equivalence relation. |
C1: | I can use the principles of addition, multiplication, and inclusion-exclusion to solve counting problems. |
C2: | I can use permutations and combinations to count the number of candidate solutions to a given problem. |
R1: | I can describe a mathematical process or algorithm using a recurrence relation. |
R2: | I can prove formally prove that a given function is big-Oh of another function. |
PR1: | I can evaluate marginal, and joint probabilities of events on discrete sample spaces. |
PR2: | I can use Bayes’ Theorem to evaluate conditional probabilities. |
PR3: | I can evaluate expectations of random variables on discrete sample spaces. |
G1: | I can write correct proofs of simple mathematical propositions about the structure of graphs. |
© Phil Chodrow, 2024