Strong Induction
Videos (~35 minutes)
- Strong Induction (16:00)
- More on Strong Induction (11:29)
Reading (~30 minutes)
- Chapter 5 of Connecting Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science by David Liben-Nowell, pages 28-37.
Warmup (~50 minutes)
Problem 1
Write a proof of the following theorem using strong induction. State explicitly whether you are using bounded or unbounded strong induction.
Theorem 1 Suppose that a rectangular chocolate bar contains \(n\) identical squares of chocolate and that I am allowed to break the chocolate bar along any row or column. Prove that the number of breaks required to reduce the chocolate bar to individual pieces is exactly \(n-1\).
Problem 2
Liben-Nowell, Problem 5.38
Consider the following algorithm for determining whether an integer is odd. I’ll describe this algorithm as a Python function.
def is_odd(n):
if n == 0:
return False
return not is_odd(n-1)
Consider the following theorem:
Theorem 2 The function is_odd(n)
returns True
if and only if n
is an odd integer.
Part A
This theorem is incorrect! Please identify the issue. Then, suggest a small fix to the theorem statement so that the theorem would be correct.
Part B
Please prove your modified version of the theorem using any induction technique.
© Phil Chodrow, 2024