due: Monday March 3 at 11:59pm (submit on Gradescope here).
and using add
, remove
and get
,Before getting started with the lab, please join our Campuswire discussion board (if you haven't already joined): https://campuswire.com/p/G822FE933. We also suggest updating your notification settings (Settings -> Notification preferences
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In this lab, we will implement a game in which a bunny (the Player
) is roaming around someone's garden trying to gather food items. There is also a dog in the garden who is trying to catch up to the bunny (in a pretty random way).
If the bunny gets to the exact location of a piece of food, it picks it up and stores it. But, if the dog gets too close to the bunny, the bunny loses the first item in its storage. For example if the bunny picks up a pumpkin and then a strawberry and then a tomato, and then gets too close to the dog, then it will lose the pumpkin first. The pumpkin will then be dropped at whatever position the bunny was at when it got too close to the dog.
The bunny can be moved around with the arrow keys. Every time one of these arrow keys are pressed and released, the bunny moves, which also causes the dog to move (randomly). All of the high-level game mechanics are implemented for you, but you'll need to implement some methods to (1) gather food items when the bunny lands on them and (2) lose food items when the bunny gets too close to the dog. You'll also implement a method to calculate the current score. Here's what the game looks like:
Note that the bunny and dog can sometimes overlap which is okay for our game (assume the game continues).
There are 5 files needed for this assignment (download here), but you only need to modify GamePiece.java
and Player.java
and then submit these two files to Gradescope.
method.First, notice that the Player
(the bunny), Dog
and Food
classes all inherit from the GamePiece
class. This GamePiece
stores the x
(column) and y
(row) location of each game piece. Note that x
goes from left-to-right and y
goes from top-to-bottom, so the top-left corner has coordinates (0, 0)
Our game relies on being able to measure distances between the game pieces, like when the bunny is exactly at a piece of food (zero distance) or "too close" to the dog. Instead of directly using the distance between the game pieces, we'll use the squared distance. For two points
Your first task is to implement the squaredDistance
method of the GamePiece
class. See the documentation in GamePiece.java
for how to do this. You can add a PSVM at the bottom of the GamePiece
class to test your implementation.
constructor.The Player.java
file will not compile right now because something is missing in the Player
constructor. Please fix this, and recall that Player
. Also, initialize the gatheredFood
list to a new ArrayList
in the Player
Once this step is complete, you should be able to run Game.java
and move the bunny around with the arrow keys. To quit the game, you can press the q
method.Next, complete the checkFood
method defined for the Player
class. This will iterate through all the Food
items stored in the availableFood
and, if any Food
item is exactly at the location of the Player
, then add that Food
item to the Player
object's gatheredFood
list. When this happens, you also need to remove the gathered Food
item from the availableFood
list (which is the food still available in the Game
Hint: check if the squaredDistance
to each Food
item is equal to 0
Note: You can use Game.createFood
to create a list of food items to test your method within a PSVM of the Player
method.Now, please complete the checkDog
method, again defined for the Player
class which checks the proximity to the dog and updates the game state. You should use the squaredDistance
method again but, this time, if the squared distance is less than 16
(i.e. the distance is less than 4
), it means the dog is too close and the Player
(the bunny) will drop a single piece of food. When a Food
item is dropped, it should be left at the exact same location the bunny was just at. The dropped food should be added back into the availableFood
Finally, please complete the getScore
method of the Player
class. The score will be calculated as the sum of the number of characters in the name of each gathered food item. For example, if the Player
object gathers a pumpkin (7 characters), apple (5 characters) and tomato (6 characters), the score will be 18. Add a test for this example in the PSVM of your Player
Once you have completed the parts above, please upload GamePiece.java
and Player.java
to Gradescope. Before submitting, we recommend testing the methods you implemented within a PSVM of the classes you want to test.
Please try to respect the style guidelines we introduced in slide 3 of this lecture. We will soon enforce these style rules for homework submissions.