Homework 3

due: Thursday March 6 at 11:59pm (submit on Gradescope here).


In this assignment, you will implement your own version of an ArrayList, so please review the notes from Lecture 3W for the concepts we used to design a DIYList.

Instead of parametrizing our version of an ArrayList in terms of any type of stored item, we'll only store Strings. So we will call this class DIYArrayListString and we will not use generics in this assignment.

The initial template is quite minimal (download here) and only sets up the DIYArrayListString with the items and size fields, as well as the capacity() method. Your job is to implement the methods listed below which should match the descriptions in the official ArrayList documentation. You don't need to implement all the methods defined for an official ArrayList, just the ones listed below.

Although the capacity() method is not specified in the official ArrayList documentation, we're adding it to our version since it may be useful for testing (and the Gradescope tests will also check the capacity).

Also, the official ArrayList implementation is supposed to throw exceptions if an index is out of bounds. We haven't talked about exceptions so you don't need to check the bounds of the indices passed to certain methods. The Gradescope tests will always pass valid indices (0 <= index < size()).

Here are the methods you need to implement. The description you need to follow is linked in each method name below.

Please test your methods within a public static void main method of your DIYArrayListString class - don't rely on Gradescope to test your code. You should call some of your DIYArrayListString methods within this PSVM to make sure everything is working. For example,

DIYArrayListString list = new DIYArrayListString();


// ... and so on ...

The Gradescope tests will look for a PSVM in your DIYArrayListString class.


You only need to submit DIYArrayListString.java to Gradescope (here) (unlimited attempts). The grading team will now check the style of your submission, so please review the notes from this lecture (slide 3). Style will be worth 1 point (out of 20) for this homework. Note that (in VS Code), you can right-click on your source code and select Format Document.

You should also add documentation to your methods (which will be included in the 1 point given for style). To create a javadoc documentation comment, type /** right above one of your methods and then hit the Enter (or return) key. VS Code should autofill a javadoc-style documentation as in the animation below:

The documentation you add for each method should include three main components: (1) a short sentence describing what the function does, (2) a brief description of each parameter using @param and (3) what the method returns using @return. When describing each @param, it's also good practice to describe any limitations on the parameters.